Elections and Political Engagement FAQs

A: No, SF State cannot use public funds for political campaign activities. Public funds must not be expended to promote a partisan position in any election campaign.

A: Yes, SF State can engage in neutral election activities such as providing information about ballot measures, facilitating debates, and serving as vote centers or polling places.

A: CSU auxiliary organizations can engage in limited political activities, but they must adhere to tax regulations and avoid using state resources. Their involvement should support positions formally taken by the Board of Trustees.

A: CSU employees retain their constitutional rights to engage in private political activities, but they must not use university resources or time to advocate for any political position.

A: Employees and students may endorse political candidates or ballot measures as private citizens, not as university representatives. They must clarify their personal capacity when identified in campaign materials to avoid the appearance of representing the university.

A: Employees are entitled to take up to two hours off work to vote without losing pay, provided they do not have sufficient time outside working hours to vote at a statewide election.

A: Requests for these documents must be vetted and approved by a Cabinet member, ensuring relevance to the elected official's district. Requests should be submitted at least 30 days in advance through the Office of Government and Community Relations, which handles the official submission.

A: Elected officials face significant legal restrictions on fundraising activities. They cannot serve on fundraising committees, and any involvement in university fundraisers requires clear communication about the cost per person and may trigger reporting requirements. The university must provide necessary financial documents for these reports.

A: If a campaign email is received on a university email account, it is recommended to respond by requesting the campaign to switch all communications to personal emails and phone accounts to comply with university policies and laws.

A: The Office of Government and Community Relations ensures compliance with laws, handles official document requests, supports voter registration efforts, and assists with logistical arrangements for events involving elected officials. They provide guidance and review for any political engagement to protect the university and individuals from legal issues. Please do not hesitate to contact us for support in any political engagement matters.